Reach Mentoring

The Reach mentoring program is a year-long engagement between mentor and mentee, during which young professional women benefit from structured mentoring and professional support by highly experienced men and women. The program is managed through an online platform, which is overseen by a professional program manager.

The customized platform is used to carefully match mentors and mentees according to various criteria, such as communication style, development objectives and personality traits. Results are assessed by the program manager to ensure the highest level of compatibility between matched pairs.

Mentoring sessions are scheduled every 4 – 6 weeks between the matched parties, with the initial meeting beginning with an agreement of objectives and expectations. The online platform facilitates the planning of professional and personal objectives for the full year, as well as a regular review and tracking system supervised by the program manager.

There are 4 Check points per year on the online platform, one every quarter, both mentors and mentees fills independently and confidentially these check points to report the progress made. These checkpoints, overseen by the project manager of the online platform, are used for tracking the progress of the relationship.

The program also includes regular networking opportunities and events during the year, to encourage new connections, collaboration and knowledge sharing.

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