How it works

The Reach mentoring program is a year-long engagement between mentor and mentee, during which young professional women benefit from structured mentoring and professional support by highly experienced men and women. The program is managed through an online platform, which is overseen by a professional and qualified coach.

This customized platform is used to match mentors and mentees together using a set of questions aimed at determining the suitability of matched pairs according to various criteria, such as communication styles, development objectives and personality traits. The program manager, who is a qualified coach, assesses the results produced to verify that matched pairs have achieved a high “percentage” match to ensure compatibility.

Once the pairs are matched, the mentoring sessions begin, ensuring an alignment of objectives and expectations by the two parties. The preliminary pre-mentoring training workshops, held for both mentors and mentees independently, establish the program guidelines and code of ethics. From thereon, the platform facilitates the planning of professional and personal objectives for the full year, providing the tools for documenting and managing those ideas using the online platform under the tracking and supervision of an administrator. The mentoring objectives are reviewed and discussed at each mentoring session throughout the program.

A number of networking opportunities and events are also offered by the program, where all participants are encouraged to share feedback and build on each other’s experiences.

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